Sleep Apnoea

What is Sleep Apnoea?

osa diagram

Impact of Sleep Apnoea on Health

Sleep Apnoea is one the leading causes of multiple health issues!

impact of osa on health with probability

Dagnosing Sleep Apnoea

An overnight sleep study required for measuring Sleep Apnoea Levels.  This is done in the comfort of your home using a non-contact sensor!

snoozfit sensor

Parameters Measured

  1. Snoring & Sleep Apnoea Intensity (AHI Index)
  2. Sleep Apnoea Types (Obstructive, Hypopnea & Central)
  3. Sleep Stages (NREM, REM, Light)
  4. Vitals: Heart Rate & Breathing Rate
  5. Full night Blood Oxygen Levels
  6. Sleep Latency
  7. Sleep Duration
  8. Mid Sleep awakenings

Sleep Apnoea Treatment Options

Two Treatment Options 1) CPAP Machine, and 2) Dental Appliance

osa treament 2

Dental Appliance for Snoring & Sleep Apnoea

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